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Inertial Systems and Sensor Fusion Lab

[Scope and objectives][Active vision head] [History] [Course work] [Equipment] [Publications] [Staff and collaborators] [Photos/Videos]

Scope and objectives:

Antropomorphic head with stereoscopic cameras and asymmetric vergence for experiments with active vision (1995-1999)

Cabeça de visão TRC-Helpmate

The antropomorphic head counted on DC motors to rotate the pan, tilt, asymmetric vergence axes. Two controller units encompassing logic and power circuits for PID control and PWM driving, respectively, were the interface for sending command signals to the head. Imaging was carried out with CCD cameras with servocontrolled lenses wherein aperture, focus, and zoom were adjusted according to the requirements of the visual task. (TRAEDV-N.MPG - 2.6MB).

The lab, at the time, had the following equipment::

History: the Computer Vision and Active Perception lab (1995-1999):

"...robust solutions to the vision problem did not materialize, mainly because Marr has left out of his theory a very important fact: that all visual systems in nature, from insects to fish, snakes, birds, and humans, are active.  By being active, they control the process of image acquisition in space and time, thus introducing restrictions that facilitate the recovery of information about the three-dimensional world (reconstruction). "I move, therefore I see" is a fundamentally true statement. By becoming stationary,  the human eye loses perception. " Y. Aloimonos (1993)

Computer Vision is a science based on theoretical foundations and requires experiments to validate a theory and/or algorithm. Thus, coupled with the intent of studying task-oriented visual perception  (purposive vision) and visual feedback, vision algorithms were tested in a binocular vision head capable of changing the image acquisition parameters in real time. Imaging became a dynamic process to be controlled in accordance with the visual information already obtained and still to extract from the next images. The visual information from the computer vision algorithms were employed to control the pose of the head, the vergence angles of the cameras, the focal lengths, focus, and lenses' apertures through activation signals sent by a network of computers running the vision and control algorithms in real time. It should be noted that the computing power of the PCs then used, Pentium 166 MMX, was quite limited.

The lab, at the time, investigated techniques for the identification, estimation, and control of the vision head, calibration of vision systems, and computer vision algorithms aiming at the implementation of visual behaviors for:

-Automation of processes wherein vision is a sensor;

-Vision-aided inertial navigation;

-Target tracking;

-3D reconstruction from stereoscopic vision, egomotion, and texture.


Course work:





Viegas, W. da V.C. ; Waldmann, J.; Santos, D.A.; Waschburger, R. Controle em três eixos para aquisição de atitude por satélite universitário partindo de condições iniciais desfavoráveis. Controle & Automação (Impresso), v. 23, p. 231-246, 2012.

Ferreira, J.C.B.C.; Waldmann, J. Covariance Intersection-Based Sensor Fusion for Sounding Rocket Tracking and Impact Area Prediction. Control Engineering Practice, v.15, p. 389-409, 2007.

Waldmann, J. Feedforward INS aiding: an investigation of maneuvers for in-flight alignment. Controle & Automação (Impresso), v. 18, p. 459-470, 2007.

Waldmann, J. Line-of-Sight Rate Estimation and Linearizing Control of an Imaging Seeker in a Tactical Missile Guided by Proportional Navigation. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, v.10, n.4, p. 556-567, 2002.

Caetano, F. F.; Waldmann, J. Attentional Management for Multiple Target Tracking by a Binocular Vision Head. SBA. Sociedade Brasileira de Automática, Campinas, v.11, n.3, p. 187-204, 2000.

Viana, S. A. A.; Waldmann, J.; Caetano, F.F. Non-Linear Optimization-Based Batch Calibration with Accuracy Evaluation. SBA. Sociedade Brasileira de Automática, Campinas, v. 10, n.2, p. 88-99, 1999.

Waldmann, J.; Bispo, E. M. . Saccadic Motion Control for Monocular Fixation in a Robotic vision Head: A Comparative Study. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, Campinas, v. 4, n.3, p. 61-69, 1998.

Chagas, R.A.J.; Waldmann, J. A Novel Linear, Unbiased Estimator to Fuse Delayed Measurements in Distributed Sensor Networks with Application to UAV Fleet. Springer, 2013 (Edited Volume -Bar-Itzhack Memorial Symposium on Estimation, Navigation, and Spacecraft Control - Daniel Choukroun (Ed.)).

Chagas, R.A.J.; Waldmann, J. A Novel Linear, Unbiased Estimator to Fuse Delayed Measurements in Distributed Sensor Networks with Application to UAV Fleet. Itzhack Y. Bar-Itzhack Memorial Symposium on Estimation, Navigation, and Spacecraft Control, 2012, Haifa, Israel. 

Chagas, R.A.J.; Waldmann, J. Observability Analysis for the INS Error Model with GPS/Uncalibrated Magnetometer Aiding. Itzhack Y. Bar-Itzhack Memorial Symposium on Estimation, Navigation, and Spacecraft Control, 2012, Haifa, Israel.

Chagas, R.A.J.; Waldmann, J. Geometric Inference-Based Observability Analysis Digest of INS Error Model with GPS/Magnetometer/Camera Aiding. 19th Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems, 2012, São Petersburgo, Rússia.

Lustosa, L.R.; Waldmann, J. A novel imaging measurement model for vision and inertial navigation fusion with extended Kalman filtering. Itzhack Y. Bar-Itzhack Memorial Symposium on Estimation, Navigation, and Spacecraft Control, 2012, Haifa, Israel.

Cordeiro, T.F.K.; Waldmann, J.. Covariance analysis of accelerometer-aided attitude estimation for maneuvering rigid bodies. VII Congresso Nacional de Engenharia Mecânica CONEM 2012, Sao Luis - MA.

Godoi,R.G.; Waldmann, J. Sistema de Controle de Atitude Para Satélite Estabilizado em 3 Eixos com Rodas de Reação. VII Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia Inercial, 2012, São José dos Campos, SP.

dos Santos, S. R. G. ; Waldmann, J. Desenvolvimento de um Ambiente de Teste para Implementação em Tempo Real de Sistema de Controle de Atitude. VII Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia Inercial, 2012. 


Staff and collaborators (setembro 2014): 



Test platforms: UAVs and bicycle instrumented for INS/GPS/magnetometer/camera integration
bike2+Hangar9      bike3+motoplanador

Motoplanador     SailplaneAvionics

Results of inertial navigation aided by INS/GPS/magnetometer integration - various experiments with the sensor suite undergoing motion through ITA campus either on foot or by bicycle on a helmet:

Picture6.png   coletaBikeHelmet.jpg

Top view of a 3D reconstruction of the structure as viewed from the camera on the helmet during inertial navigation aided by INS/GPS/magnetometer integration. The optical flow is assumed as arising solely from the camera egomotion (the scenario is assumed static).
Images with moving cars, cyclists, or pedestrians with respect to the otherwise static scenario were manually discarded when computing the structure from motion (SFM) solution.

3D reconstruction Top view

Video rendering of the optical flow-based SFM solution as viewed from the cyclist helmet camera during GPS/magnetometer aided inertial navigation in a 5-minute experiment. 
Octree-based visualization with 1m-edge cube voxels, and departing from the reference frame origin marked with the white circle in the above image.
Altitude differences displayed with varying colors.
Cyclist path starts toward the mess hall, completes the lap traversing the area between ITA and the mess hall, then turns right to ride down the street where the Dean's office is located, turns right and follows straight until the U-turn, turns 180 degrees, follows straight, turns left and rides up the ramp toward the parking lot between the ELE/COMP building and the library, and finally returns to the starting point.
The distinct voxel colors at the region of the starting point are due to the changing GPS satellite geometry as the satellites follow their orbital paths in the sky during the experiment, thus producing altitude estimates at the same location differing by about 10m and affecting the 3D reconstruction.

Vídeo captured by the 3-gimballed imaging pod Mk03 conceived, designed, 3D printed, integrated with the sailplane, and tested in the lab - equipped with an analog Sony Block IXA camera and operating in gyrostabilized mode: 
                                                                                        imageador 02.wmv


ImagingPodMk3      Picture1.jpg 

                                                                                                                                3D design of sailplane with retractable imaging pod.

MITSA-based target tracking and visual servoing by the pan/tilt step motors in a more recent imaging pod setup:


Optical flow-based image stabilization. Video acquired while cycling at ITA campus with digital PointGrey Firefly monochrome camera on the helmet. Bicycle instrumented for video acquisition and with a video link to a remote station.
VídeoBruto        VideoEstabilizado  
VideoEstabilizadoAlternativo - compatible with intentional saccadic motions to displace the focus of attention.    

Biological drive

Video of an earlier 3-gimballed gyrostabilized imaging pod prototype  - October 2010

PICT1577.jpg    PICT1601.jpg  

First imaging pod prototypes - CNC-manufactured in polyacetal:

imageador01.jpg     imageador02.jpg

Former prototype with mechanical damping to mitigate vibrations from the internal combustion engine:

PICT1590.jpg      PICT1586.jpg

PICT1585.jpg      PICT1587.JPG

                                             Wind tunnel tests at Instituto de Aeronáutica e Espaço (IAE)

Picture2.jpg   Picture3.jpg

Picture4.jpg       Picture5.jpg

Site in construction - coming next: test flights videos and images


[Scope and objectives] [Active vision head] [History] [Course work] [Equipment] [Publications] [Staff and collaborators][Photos/Videos]