WebCam: Cairo's office at ITA-Brazil

Note: (17/Oct/98) Due to hardware interrupt conflicts in my PC-Win machine I had to stop using my webcam for a while. Now my webcam is finally back again, afer a lot of playing around with a few I/O boards and a terrible fighting with Win95 to make it to understand that, apart from my CD-ROM drive, 2 hard-disks, the sound and ethernet boards and 2 serial ports, I really have 2 parallel ports. Apparently, the USB (Universal Serial Bus) standard will help with such terrible configuration problems. I truly hope so ... A lot of people said the same thing about Plug-and-Play, which now I believe must be renamed to Plug-and-Pray !!

Webcam Image
My local time is now GMT -2:00 hs (2 hs behind GMT).

Your local date and time (accordingly to your machine) is:


The picture above shows my local date and time stamps, which are taken from my PC at my office when the picture is captured. My PC clock is automatically synchronized with some Internet time servers and for that I am using the program called YATS32 Time Synchronizer. Currently a new picture of my office is uploaded to this web server every minute, if my PC is turned on. When my PC is turned off, you will see the most recent uploaded image.

A note to my friends: be in touch !!!

If you want to contact me online, I am running Netspeak WebPhone 4.01 (full version), but is not always on the background. If you cannot find me online, please leave a message on my WebPhone answering machine, otherwise send me an email and let me know when you will call me or when I can call you.

This web page was setup because one of my current interests is the INTERNET (how it works and possible applications). Therefore I want to see how well one can communicate nowadays using video links through the INTERNET.

Current configuration:

Address for correspondence:

Date of installation: 8/June/1998
Date of last update: 19/October/1998
Author: Cairo L. Nascimento Jr.
This Web Page: